Bald with Beard – How Facial Hair Makes You Handsome
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There are several reasons why you might be balding. At the top of the list is your genetics. If your dad or grandad went bald, then it’s the reason why your hairline is shying away. But here’s the good news, the same hormone that is causing your scalp to bald is also responsible for facial hair. It’s almost ironic, but that’s nature taking its course.
Now, at this point, you are probably trying to get used to living life with no hair on your head. But rather than looking at it as a glass-half-empty situation, it can be a glass half full. Heck if you do it right, the glass could be full to the brim. How so? As the hair on your scalp thins away, your beard gets thicker.
Use this new superpower to your advantage. Shave your head, maybe with one of the best head shavers for men or with one of the best balding hair clippers, and grow any kind of beard to draw away attention from your head, and give your face more personality.
Are you not buying it? Well, here are some examples of bald celebrities who look a lot more handsome and better with help of facial hair. They include; The Rock, Bruce Willis, Vin Diesel, Jason Statham, and Patrick Stewart.
Comparing their pictures with and without facial hair, it’s clear which versions of themselves win.
Now, as you entertain the thought of having facial hair, let’s have a look at your options. As we get into it, know that there are thousands of beard styles only limited by your creativity, so check out our beard trimmer reviews and get started.
Shaved Head with Beard Styles
Last update on 2024-08-17 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API
Below are some common beard styles to work with if you have decided to go ahead and shave your head with a razor.
The Mustache
Though it is a small piece of facial hair, it is highly distinguished. It gives you a serious look. Not like Hitler, but more like Johnny Depp. Quite frankly, the mustache demands respect.
It is ideal for law enforcement, the corporate world, and any other environment that has a strict old fashion dress code. If you choose the mustache, you will give off a serious and professional vibe yet admirable.
The Goatee
We have come across hundreds of goatees. But we can broadly classify them into a classic and full goatee. While the two share a name, they are worlds apart and give different impressions. A full goatee is a classic goatee that is connected to the mustache. The first type of men that come to mind when you think of full goatees are bikers, construction men, and businessmen.
The full goatee is diverse and often referred to as the jack of all trade. You can rock it and drive your Mercedes without looking or feeling out of place, or you can ride your Harley and still have a ladies’ crush on you.
On the other hand, the classic goatee is described as a mustache under the lips. It is common for guys into punk, metal, and rock music. Men in the IT department love this beard. It gives an eccentric style and is common among younger men.
Whether you like it light or heavy, the stubble is perfect for men with shiny heads. The look is great, and it gives off an aura of sexiness. If you want to get your ‘sexy back’, then you should grow this beard. Unfortunately, unlike the goatee and the mustache, it is not as diverse. Some people are still prejudiced against stubble. Because of this, it is not a great option if you work in an office.
But assuming the conditions are perfect, you should stubble up. According to studies, stubble is by far the most attractive beard style there is. Women cannot resist its call.
A Full Beard
This is your last option. And by the looks of things, it is the ultimate counter solution to baldness. You can think of it as the holy grail of beards. It is a great option because it doesn’t discriminate. You will look good in it regardless of the shape of your face. And even if you are not bald, you can pull it off just fine. Even better, full beards go with just about any style. A quick look at Bruce Willis with a full beard will put all your doubts to rest. If he can pull it off, you can.
To avoid looking cliché, you can get creative it with. We have seen some men braid their beards and look fine as hell. But if that’s not your thing, you can keep it short for the corporate world or let it grow as long as it wants to.
Going Bald? Growing a Beard Is the Way to Go
To get rid of that plain look baldness brings to your life, you should grow a beard. The bald and beard combo might be the ace up your sleeve these days. Try any of the beard styles above and see which one works for you. And from time to time, you can change things up if you want.
Last update on 2024-07-19 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API
Ruiru Kibet
Ruiru Kibet is passionate about beard care and male grooming. He believes it’s an art form and is happy to share his insight with men across the globe. He’s into wet shaving and evidence-based grooming, a passion that helps him analyze men’s grooming brands, products, and wet shaving practices presenting you with the best recommendations and advice.